HOO Family
Welcome to the Bais Rivkah צרכי ציבור program - HOO!
Here, you can request two Bais Rivkah volunteers to come play with your children an hour a week.
Please note:
HOO volunteers are available only for child care, not for housework.
Please ensure that husbands and boys older than 13 are not in the house when volunteers are over.
9th and 10th grade HOO volunteers are required to do 25 HOO visits - one hour per week. 12th graders are required to complete 12 hours. We ask families to keep a record of visits and give us feedback during the year. 11th graders have other חסד opportunities and are no longer HOO volunteers.
As a token of appreciation, we ask each HOO family to buy their volunteer a $10 gift card to an ice cream store or sushi restaurant and give it to them before חנוכה.
Signing up does not a guarantee a volunteer. We hope to have enough volunteers to serve all families. Volunteers will be assigned to families based on location, not based on who signed up first.
Unfortunately, we are not able to send HOO volunteers to the outskirts of Crown Heights or to East Flatbush.
Below are TWO DIFFERENT links. When registering, please make sure you use the correct link.
Apply to HOO
If you would like to have HOO and you would like us to assign girls to you, please use this link:
Apply to HOO with a Request
Use this link if you are requesting HOO and already confirmed with specific girl(s) that they will be doing their HOO at your family.
If you'd like to contact us, feel free to call 347 968 9770 or whatsapp: 347 770 1463
Happy HOO Families