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High School Shabbaton

This year's High School הקהל Shabbaton will take place on March 3-4, י'-י”א אדר.

Register your daughter below. 

The cost of Shabbaton is upward of $300 per student, and thanks to generous donors we can charge $150 per student despite costs going up tremendously.

If you need assistance to cover your daughter's attendance, please select an option that you feel you can cover. We are asking parents to register on the website so that this information remains confidential.

Apply through Vouchers 
(income based)

Apply through Vouchers 
(income based)

S H A B B A T O N: T H E  G R E A T  C O N N E C T O R

"In a big school as big as Bais Rivkah, it can sometimes feel like we are just a bunch of people who happen to go to the same school. Shabbaton provides a sense of closeness, of belonging. It makes me feel I'm part of something bigger. Generally, it’s one of the only times when all students in high school have a chance to be together. At Shabbaton, I feel like, this is Bais Rivkah.

-Chana G., student 

Multiple Dates
Apr 16, 2024, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
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