Hugs, laughter, and joy filled the air Wednesday night, as friends and acquaintances connected over one thing they had in common: they were all students of the flagship Lubavitch girls school, Beth Rivkah. It was so so special to see great-grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers, and recent graduates come together with positive energy and appreciation for their alma mater.
Close to 500 alumnae filled the hall at Beth Rivkah Campus Chomesh for EmBRace Live, the first ever grand Beth Rivkah reunion. As alumnae entered and passed through the hall they were treated to beautiful displays of school pictures from each decade, surrounded by balloon arches by alumna Devorah Leah Jacobson of Balloon Van Gogh. In the hall, the gorgeous school themed decor by Malkie Carciente of Events by MC set the tone for an evening to remember. The delicious sushi, desserts, and fruit platters were all sponsored by talented alumnae and generous local businesses. All the signage and marketing was professionally designed by PR Brand Marketing.
As the program began, the room buzzed with the excitement and positive energy of women reuniting with old classmates and teachers that they hadn’t seen in years. The evening began with a video of the Bais Rivkah girls passing by the Rebbe. Emcee Mrs. Leah Namdar began by inviting everyone to join in a special Sefer Torah that Bais Rivkah is writing in honor of the 70th year of the Rebbe’s nesius. You can buy a letter and participate in this sefer torah here Mrs. Katzman, a student of Bais Rivkah in 1947 in the DP Camps, said the Rebbe’s kapitel and the crowd gave tzedakah.
Five Bais Rivkah alumnae presented Embrace Talks, leaving the audience crying, laughing, and most of all inspired. Mrs Swerdlov shared hakaras hatov and an old Bais Rivkah favorite song. Mrs. Namdar led a roll call of each decade of graduates, from the 1940's to the 20-teens. The crowd sang and clapped along with a medley of old production favorites presented by a choir of alumnae, and organized by Hindel Deitsch. There were even tears of joy and spontaneous dancing as familiar tunes and lyrics played on the screen.
Raizel Gordon touched the crowd with her grateful description of the support that she received from her Beth Rivkah teachers and classmates while her father was ill, and her beautiful rendition of eishes chayil. Nechama Dina Rosenberg accompanied her singing with live music.
The evening ended with Chinuch Tank, moderated by Morah Tiechtel, where the five finalist teachers presented their submissions and the audience were active participants and voted for their ideas in real time. Congratulations to our finalists and to Mrs. Ella Lerman on her winning proposal which aims to provide guidance and support to our teenagers in the format they are most comfortable-- an app. With the $25,000 grant, Mrs. Lerman will create an innovative platform where high school students can turn to mashpias, mentors, and mental health professionals in a confidential and timely manner.
Alumnae walked out with a souvenir magnet by Photo Magnet NY as a keepsake of the beautiful event.
We would like to thank all our volunteers who helped with registration, set up, and coordinating the event. In a show of unity, volunteers included students in 8th grade, high school, seminary, as well as alumnae from many different decades. We would also like to thank the Beth Rivkah Board and administration for making the event possible.
We would like to thank our sponsors who made this all possible:
PR Brand Marketing
Va’ad Printing
Photo Magnet NY
Sushi Spot
Frumie’s Bake Shop
Esther Rimler
321 Desserts
Frostings & Co
Rebecca Howard Photo
Media Sponsor :
Photos by Rebecca Howard Photo
Full replay of the event:
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