What an amazing Week 5!
Art, baking, Ice cream, trampoline fun, swimming, a speechless Lip Sync :), sleepy Friday with pillow making, we had an amazing Week 5!
What an amazing Week 5!
We had a fabulous Week 4!
Week 3 was a blast!
We had a fun Week 2!
Pioneers, Week 1
BRDC 5780 Begins with a Bang!
Beth Rivkah Girls Shine
EmBRace Live
Tu B'shvat - from PTA
Box Tops - New and Quick way to help our school!
מגולה לגאולה Expo
Hi from PTA
Chinuch Tank Finalists
Production Tickets On Sale Now!
Chanukah Chagiga!
Beth Rivkah Receives Chanukah Gelt
Sign up for BR Teen Club Term 2!
BR Girls Club Pre-Chanukah Family Event
Primary School Celebrates 19 Kislev